Tuesday 7 October 2008

Upcoming Bedfordale Resident's meeting

The next committee meeting is Tuesday 14th Oct. at 7.30p.m. at the community hall on Admiral Road off the Albany Hwy. Come along and join us and have your say on local issues. For further information or to confirm meeting details ring Jacqui on 9498 3332

How to Cool the Planet One Garden at a Time

The October meeting of Roleystone Organic Growers will be all about how to turn your lawn into a native garden that requires very little water and that is environmentally friendly. Nancy Scade will show us how to get rid of your lawn using solarisation and landscape it properly with Australian native plants. Having a native garden has many benefits for the environment: it creates a wildlife corridor, absorbs carbon, uses very little water once established, and if planted wisely doesn't require much energy to maintain.

Nancy, from Australian Native Nursery in Oakford will be our guest speaker. Nancy has a degree in Environmental Science, has 16 years of experience in the native wholesale, 6 years in the retail plant business, and has been involved in Landcare for 20 years, so she really knows what she is talking about!

The meeting will be on Wed. October 8th @ 7:30pm at the Roleystone Family Centre in Wygonda Rd. Cost is $3. Enquiries to Lisa 9399 2312