Sunday 22 February 2009

Sunset over Bedfordale

Roleystone Organic Growers March Meeting

Local greenfingers might enjoy this.

Roleystone Organic Growers is getting started again in March and the topic is Worm Farming.

In Australia, over half of the household material that ends up at the tip is organic waste, and when it is buried can lead to groundwater contamination and the production of greenhouse gases. This practice is environmentally unsound and also wasteful because through natural processes this organic matter can safely and easily be converted into useful soil-building humus.

One of the best ways gardeners can break down organic matter is to use composting worms to convert food scraps into nutrient-rich, pH neutral worm castings, which produce a high quality soil conditioner. Worms are the most willing workers that can be found in the garden! Their job is to live in a worm farm and decompose organic matter to produce marvellous stuff, called worm castings, which gives the garden a surge.The worms can be used in the garden as well as for fishing.

Kerry Saurdin, from Worms on Wheels has been worm farming for 15 years and has plenty of experience! She will be telling us how we can setup, and maintain worm farms in our own backyards. Kerry will tell us how we can make a worm form from recyclable materials, as well as showing us how commercially purchased ones work. If you are interested in purchasing worms on the night, please pre-order them from Kerry and she will bring them to the meeting. She can be contacted on 0414-562-527 or

The meeting will be on Wed. March 11th @ 7:30pm at the Roleystone Family Centre in Wygonda Rd. Cost is $3. Enquiries to Lisa 9399 2312.